About the center
V. Akimov GCTC of VIAM is the only climatic testing center in Russia, where comprehensive tests of materials, structural components and articles are conducted and protection systems against action of corrosion, ageing and biodeteriorations in seaside climate conditions are developed.
VIAM is a part of international net of climatic testing stations
Atlas Material Testing Technology LLC (ATLAS) and European Federation of Corrosion (EFC).
- Atlas Material Testing Technology LLC (ATLAS)
- European Federation of Corrosion (EFC)
GCTC of VIAM is situated on the western coast of Gelendjik bay (44°34' north latitude, 38°02' east longitude) at 20 m from the coastline; the center is of coast-type according to GOST 9.906. As for climatic characteristics,
As for corrosion and aging tests, polygon of G. V. Akimov GCTC of VIAM possesses unique climatic characteristics: number of sunny days in a year - 270?280; number of days with precipitation - 103?107; 24-hourly temperature difference for gray specimens in sunny days reaches 30°С at maximum warming temperature above 50°С; frequent northeast winds with speed of ?10 m/s tear away water splashes from the sea surface and take them ashore, covering the surface of exposed specimens with finely divided particles of sea water.
V. Akimov GCTC was put into operation in December 2009. The total area of its territory is 12800 m2, incl.:
- Climatic field testing ground - 1100 m2;
- Laboratory-research building - 1993 m2;
- Building for scientific and engineering works - 1278 m2;
- Utility rooms, in total - 3030 m2;
- Pipelines networks and engineering structures, including stationary and backup power supply, water supply system, heat supply, conditioning of rooms, etc.
- Carrying out comprehensive tests of corrosion, aging of metal and polymer materials under conditions of seaside and marine environments; checking and trying out of methods and means of corrosion and aging protection; determination of resistance of structures and articles made from metal and non-metallic materials against an impact of corrosion and aging to justify the opportunity and expediency of their use in articles of advanced engineering; determination of reasonable service life taking into account climatic conditions in areas where the articles operate.
- Development of methods of accelerated and field accelerated tests allowing to reduce considerably the time for assessment of materials operability and forecasting of service life of aviation engineering at operation under all-climatic conditions.
The competence of work has been confirmed with the accreditation certificate No. SILT-103 issued by Federal agency for technical regulation and metrology and by the Aviation register of the Interstate aviation committee.
The accreditation area of GCTC includes conduction of field tests in the atmosphere and sea water as well as laboratory corrosion-resistance tests, ageing-resistance tests and biodeterioration tests of the following classes of materials:
- metals, alloys, articles made of them;
- metallic and nonmetallic inorganic coatings;
- paint-and-lacquer materials and coatings on their basis;
- oils, lubricants, inhibitive compositions and other corrosion protective means;
- polymers, polymer composite materials, plastic masses, film materials, chemical fibers, organic glass, rubber substances and products made from them;
- rubbers, adhesives, sealants, industrial rubber products, sealing assemblies and parts;
- fabrics made of natural, artificial and synthetic fibers, artificial leather and products made from them;
- aviation assemblies, parts, devices and equipment etc.
G. V. AKIMOV GCTC has all necessary facilities to carry out full-scale researches to assess reliability of a wide nomenclature of hi-tech products of civil and twofold purpose, which is confirmed by the list of materials included into the accreditation area of GCTC.
The only climatic testing center within the defense industry complex allowing to perform complex tests of materials, components of structures and articles as well as optimization of protective systems against corrosion, ageing and biological damages in the coastal climatic condition.
Today 49 employees work at G. V. Akimov GCTC, among them – 1 doctor of science, 4 post-graduate students and 20 young specialists. The average age of GCTC employees is 42 years old.